Room charges are due by 1pm on your due date. After that time, a $30 late fee is incurred. You may still renew your stay online until 8pm on your due date, but the $30 late fee will be applied to your balance. After 8pm, your balance (including the late fee) must be paid in person at the front desk.
What is Needed?
A valid VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, or Discover card used on your last payment
Credit Card Billing Address
Room Number
Folio Number (contained on a past receipt or available at the front desk)
Guest's Name
Do I get a Receipt?
You should receive a confirmation number and transaction summary as your payment is accepted. If you do not receive this information, your payment has not been recorded. In this case, you must contact the front desk to process payment.
Still Have Questions?
Click here or contact the front desk for detailed instructions.